PERIDOT is the Franco-Pakistani Hubert Curien Partnership (PHC) Program providing opportunities to Pakistani and French researchers to interact for joint research activities. The program is implemented in Pakistan by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) and in France, jointly by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Development (MAEDI) and the Ministry of Higher Education and Research (MESRI). The objective of this program is to develop new scientific and technological cooperation between French and Pakistani higher education institutions/research laboratories by supporting the mobility of researchers from both sides.
The priority areas for Call for Proposals 2020 are:
- Health
- Human and Social Sciences
- Environmental Sciences (including but not limiting to, Water, Climate Change, Pollution)
- The funding (for mobility) will be shared equally by the HEC and French counterpart.
- The funding for the core research project will be borne by the concerned Pakistani and the French Universities/Institutes.
- HEC and the French counterpart will provide funding only for travel and living expenses to the researchers involved in the projects for visiting Pakistan and France
The HEC Pakistan will cover;
Travel expenses of Pakistani Researchers to foreign: round trip including inland travel:
Living allowance in Pakistan for Foreign Researchers:
@Rs.5000 per diem for short stay <= 10 days
@Rs.3000 per diem for long stay > 10 days up to 3 months
Visits: | How many times in a year? | Number of visitors | How long? | Total visits |
Faculty Member (applicant) |
Year 1 = 1 Year 2 = 0 Year 3 = 1 |
1 | Maximum 10 days per visit | 2 |
Students |
Year 1 = 0 Year 2 = 2 Year 3 = 1 |
3 | Maximum 90 days per visit | 3 |
Contribution by the France will cover;
Travel expenses to French Researchers
Living allowance in France for Pakistani Researchers:
@ € 110 per diem for short stay <= 10 days
@ € 65 per diem for long stay > 10 days up to 3 months
- The funds will be provided on an annual basis, for maximum three consecutive years (till the life of project), according to the approved budget.
- The renewal/release of the annual funding is subject to the submission of scientific and financial progress report at the end of each year.
- Joint project (single application) will be submitted on Campus France website:
- The Online Application procedure is in French language. The PIs should develop a single joint application in English. The application will be submitted by the French PI on Campus France website (Direct link)
- Outlines of french online application version in English (only for guidance)
- On Pakistan side, submit online application on and upload the already developed Joint Application (that was submitted on campusfrance portal) in upload document section
- Maximum one research project can be submitted by one principal investigator for funding.
Pakistan side: (apply via postal mail & email)
Assistant Director (BMP-R&D Division)
Higher Education Commission, H9 Islamabad.
Email: [email protected]
Phone No: 051-90401927
Projects are invited in the following priority fields only
- Health
- Human and social sciences
- Environmental Sciences\Climate Change
- Applicant (PI) must hold a full time faculty position at public/HEC-approved private university for research funding.
- The major cost of the project will be borne by the participating universities from Pakistan and France.
- The program will support only mobility of the researchers to and from Pakistan.
- Mobility of young researchers, especially doctoral students (enrolled under supervision by the PI) is one of the key objective.
- Project must be submitted online on Campus France website:
- On submit the online application form and upload Joint Proposal (Submitted on Campus France Website) along with relevent docuemtns as guided in Call for Proposal Guidence.
- The host institution must guarantee having the needed capacities (e.g. working space) to accommodate the visiting fellows
- Project life will be for 03 years.