Exams will not be cancelled at any cost, Murad Raas

Exams will not be cancelled at any cost, Murad Raas
Punjab Education Minister, Murad Raas has asked students to prepare for exams instead of wasting time in protest.
“There’s no way the government will cancel exams this year,” he said during a televised interview with a local TV channel. “Bring as many celebrities as you want, the decision will not change.”
Minister said that the meeting for inter-provincial minister will decide important plans later this week concerning the reopening of educational institutes and exams.
Read more: Students call for exams postponement
The provincial minister recommended that assessments of important and elective subjects must be taken; however, the meeting will decide in this regard later this week.
He added that the country’s educational system and students have suffered a huge academic loss since the pandemic started and cannot afford to bear more.
“We already passed students without exams last year but this can’t be repeated. What kind of a generation will we produce if we pass them this easily?”
Read more: Colleges to reopen from today across Punjab except for two districts
While nullifying the demands of students protesting against the government’s decision to take exams, the minister said that these demands mean, “let us cheat.”
It is pertinent to note, that since the third wave of coronavirus outbreak, students in multiple cities across Pakistan have taken to the streets to protests against the government’s decision to conduct intermediate and matriculation exams from June 29 to July 23 across the country.
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