Harvard University honors a Pakistani professor

Harvard University honors a Pakistani professor

Harvard University honors a Pakistani professor

Syed Kashif Rafi, a Pakistani professor, has been honored as the mentor at Harvard University's recent "The Education Policython." The professor is currently employed as the registrar at Karachi's Ilma University.

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Professor Rafi has held a long list of prestigious positions throughout his two-decade career. Professor Rafi exhibited diversity in his prestigious roles as an academic, educationist, entrepreneur, registrar, and business strategist throughout his illustrious career.

This Policython is a global education conference aiming at increasing educational equity and teaching students how to write policies.

Students work together for 24 hours to explore ways to improve their local schools by delving into the issues that affect them and then brainstorming solutions with mentors.

The policy was created in collaboration with The Policy Program at Harvard Kennedy School, Institute of Politics, and Harvard University in the United States for this global event.

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The goal of the Education Policython was to get involved with policy, learn about decision-making processes, synthesize policy-driven ideas, and receive mentorship from peers.

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