School Children To Get Free Resources For Online Learning

School Children To Get Free Resources For Online Learning

School Children To Get Free Resources For Online Learning

Pakistan’s domestic digital and innovative learning industry has decided to help students by giving them access to free educational material online in the lockdown situation.

Students can have access to the educational products and services through the internet on all their internet devices at
The products offered by the industry include all the classes from primary to a higher level. 
Due to the school closure following the outbreak of a pandemic, online learning has bridged the gap between teachers and students during the lockdown as teachers all around the world are delivering lectures online. The courses will be exactly like normal classes, they will follow the criteria of national and provincial schemes along with vivas, quizzes, and online assignments.

According to the press statements issued on March 31st, currently, the members of the association offering free services include Azcorp entertainment, Sabaq MUSE, Knowledge Platform, Learning Pitch, KarMuqabla, Idara -e - Taleem o Agahi, Edkasa, and Orenda Taleemabad.


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