Punjab Announces the Annual Class 11 Results

Punjab Announces the Annual Class 11 Results
In Punjab, all Boards of Intermediate and Secondary Education (BISEs) have announced the results of the first annual examinations for class 11.
DG Khan, Bahawalpur, Faisalabad, Gujranwala, Lahore, Multan, Rawalpindi, Sargodha, and Sahiwal have all released results on their websites.
Students are able to check the results now by entering their roll numbers.
Lahore: https://www.biselahore.com/
Multan: https://results.bisemultan.edu.pk/
Sahiwal: https://bisesahiwal.edu.pk/
DG Khan: https://www.bisedgkhan.edu.pk/
Faisalabad: http://www.bisefsd.edu.pk/
Rawalpindi: https://biserawalpindi.edu.pk/
Gujranwala: https://www.bisegrw.edu.pk/
Bahawalpur: https://web.bisebwp.pk/ViewResultHSSC_PI.aspx
If the websites are unresponsive due to any technical error, then students can check their results via SMS, with their respective boards.
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