FBISE Announces 2nd Annual Matric Results 2022

FBISE Announces 2nd Annual Matric Results 2022
Second-year exams provide a second chance to students who did not pass the terminal exams the first time around. Additionally, it allows students to improve their existing grades.
FBISE has officially announced the results of the 2nd annual exams of Secondary School Certificate (SSC).
Second-year exams provide a second chance to students who did not pass the terminal exams the first time around. Additionally, it allows students to improve their existing grades.
On FBISE's official website https://fbise.edu.pk/, you can view the results. The second is by sending an SMS on 5050 with the following format:
FB(Space)[Roll Number].
The third is by calling FBISE at 051 9269555-59.
If the candidates submitted their mobile phone numbers in their admission forms, the FBISE sent the results to them via SMS.
Results for the 1st annual exams of both parts of SSC were announced by the FBISE in August. In September and October of that year, it invited applications for the 2nd annuals.
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