The MDCAT Results Will Be Announced Soon

The MDCAT Results Will Be Announced Soon
On Sunday, November 13th, over 200,000 students gave the MDCAT exam in Pakistan, which also took place in the UAE and Saudi Arabia.
Despite the exams being previously delayed, many medical students expressed their concerns due to not enough ‘prep time’. Nevertheless, the exam was successfully conducted, students who may not do as well expected on the exam are able to retake the exam next year, after which the better grade would be allotted to them.
Important Announcement:
— Pakistan Medical Commission (@pmc_org) November 15, 2022
On Tuesday, November 15th, 2 days after the exam, it has been announced by the Pakistan Medical Commission that the MDCAT exam results will be conveyed in a week’s time. PMC also stated that analysis would be ongoing in universities.
— Pakistan Medical Commission (@pmc_org) November 15, 2022
After receiving a few complaints by MDCAT candidates, President PMC called in a meeting regarding Post Examination Analysis where he instructed the VCs to analyse the papers and compensate accordingly.
After receiving a few complaints from students, the President of PMC called for VCs to meet for a 'Post Exam Analysis' and 'compensate accordingly'.
For any queries, students have the option of contacting the particular university that was their exam centre, in their respective province.
In a week’s time, med students in Pakistan will be privy to their performance results.
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