14 Year Old O-Level Student in Pakistan Publishes a Book

14 Year Old O-Level Student in Pakistan Publishes a Book
In Hyderabad, an O-level student stunned everyone by writing a book describing the problems and difficulties faced by the common man. Jawaria Asif is a 10th-grade student who has written a novel called 'Thirty Days of Feeling', at the age of 14.
Jawaria Asif's book discusses mental health, depression, and the problems of the common man and suggests that if no one is helping you in depression, you should face it alone with courage. After finishing her book in one year, everyone in Pakistan is encouraging her to continue writing. Teachers, students, the school principal and readers alike have expressed that they are proud of Jawaria, after reading her book; the 14 year old has accomplished quite a feat with a maturity level of writing which is rare in students her age.
Jawaria’s teachers are quite impressed with her achievement. Writing a book is a great achievement nowadays, because children are engrossed in their mobile phones. In their opinion, Jawaira's book will inspire people to think in a positive way rather than depressing them.
Her book encourages those suffering from severe depression with negative thinking to cope with the problems, instead of depending on others, they face the situation with a different mindset, a more motivated one.
For a 14 year old, Jawaira has shown a keen insight into the human condition, which is a complex but significant issue that plagues society.
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