70,000 Students Took the NUMS MDCAT in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia & the UAE

70,000 Students Took the NUMS MDCAT in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia & the UAE
The long-awaited National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS) MDCAT exam took place on the Sunday the 16th of October, 2022, in Pakistan, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia.
Approximately 70,000 candidates took the MDCAT test, which is necessary if medical students want to get admission into institutes respective of their field, whether it be medical sciences or dentistry.
According to Lt Gen Wasim Alamgir, VC NUMS, NUMS successfully conducted Medical and Dental College Admission Tests simultaneously in more than 20 cities across Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and the UAE on Sunday. He stated that trained employees made robust and well-coordinated arrangements to make this possible.
In order to fill the seats in medical colleges across the country, the Pakistan Medical Commission (PMC) had divided MDCAT between the Federation, provinces, and NUMS.
The Vice Chancellor and senior management of NUMS welcomed PMC President Prof Dr. Noshad Ahmad Shaikh on Sunday. During his visit to NUMS Control Room, Commander Examination Brig (R) Saifullah Butt gave him a comprehensive overview of the elaborate arrangements for safe and transparent examinations.
Speaking to media, Dr Noshad Ahmad Shaikh expressed his appreciation for NUMS' arrangements and said NUMS MDCAT Certificate holders would also be eligible to apply for MBBS and BDS at private colleges anywhere in the country.
Additionally, these students can take MDCAT, which was conducted by PMC on November 13th.
On the same day, PMC President, Vice Chancellor NUMS Lt Gen Wasim Alamgir, Pro VC Academics, and Pro VC Administration visited NUMS examination center in Rawalpindi and viewed students taking their test.
According to Maj Gen (R) Syed Ammar Reza Hamdani, Pro VC Administration, two officers were specially dispatched to Saudi Arabia (Riyadh) and the United Arab Emirates (Ras-ul Khaima) to oversee the MDCAT while Pakistan embassies in the two countries facilitated the test's conduct.
The MDCAT for NUMS is being held for admission to 13 medical and dental colleges. PMC last month decided that students applying to these colleges will not have to sit for any additional tests.
A dedicated team and trained invigilation staff were deployed for supervising the test and ensuring its peaceful, smooth conclusion, said the Controller of Examination Brig (R) Saifullah Butt.
As per the Registrar, NUMS is expected to announce the MDCAT results within two to three weeks.
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