President emphasizes Market-oriented education.

President emphasizes Market-oriented education.
Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan, has called for a paradigm shift in the education system to face the challenges and better compete with the rest of the world.
On Tuesday, he spoke at the convocation of Quaid-e-Azam University in Islamabad, emphasising the need of higher education and arming the young with information technology in order to alter the nation's fate.
The President said that India produces 800,000 IT graduates compared to barely 26,000 in Pakistan. He stated that while we are limited in resources, we can increase our numbers in the IT area by boosting the virtual education component.
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President Arif also urged educational institutions to provide students with market-oriented education in order to satisfy industry demands.
He stated that we want to improve our nation with the help of the youth, who must also step up to help the society.
Women's education, according to the President, is critical for nation-building and achieving economic development goals.
Arif Alvi praised the Higher Education Commission's programme of offering free education and housing to handicapped people. He believes that measures should be made to eliminate the threat of drug abuse in educational institutions.
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