Pakistan’s small village champions 100% literacy and 0% crime

Pakistan’s small village champions 100% literacy and 0% crime
A remote village in the northeastern Pakistan, Rasool Pur has championed 100% literacy rate and 0% crime rate, the village celebrated the International Literacy Day observed on Sept. 8 annually with people congratulating each other and appreciating school teachers for their firm commitment towards education.
Speaking to international news agency Anadolu, Mehtaab Jahan, principal of Government Girls High School Rasool Pur, said: "I was transferred here two years ago and got amazed by the remarkable sense of responsibility of the people. No one litters on the road; the whole village is a non-smoking zone."
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Rasool Pur has a population of 2,000-3,000 people belonging to a Baloch tribe. The ancestors of the tribe migrated from Pakistan's Balochistan province to the district of Southern Punjab in 1933-34, reports international media.
The village has two high schools and a primary school. After students complete high school, they go to a college in the nearest township of Jampur city, which is 8-10 kilometers (5-6 miles) away.
"I have 300 girls in my school and there is almost the same number of students in the boys’ school. We do not believe in how the United Nations defines literacy – as the ability to sign one's name – every person here has to finish high school, otherwise, the elders do not give them permission to participate in the society" said Jahaan while speaking to Anadolu agency.
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According to the Pakistan Social and Living Standards Measurement Survey, the literacy rate of the population was stagnant at 60% in 2019-20 since 2014-15.
All women educated, no crimes recorded in past 100 years
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