New MDCAT Dates Discussed for November 2022

New MDCAT Dates Discussed for November 2022
Professor Noushad A. Shaikh, President of the Pakistan Medical Commission, met with the vice chancellors of all the public universities in ICT and KPK.
President Pakistan Medical Commission Professor Noushad A Shaikh hold a meeting with all the public universities vice chancellors of ICT and KPK for the MDCAT Exam 2022. It was proposed to conduct the MDCAT exam 2022 on 13th or 20th November 2022.
— Pakistan Medical Commission (@pmc_org) September 26, 2022
They discussed the MDCAT Exam 2022. MDCAT 2022 is scheduled to take place on 13th or 20th November 2022 after it was proposed.
Previously, the Federal Minister for Health, Abdul Qadir Patel, visited PMC and suggested that the MDCAT exams should be held on one day throughout Pakistan, in mid-November.
On September 19th President PMC, Dr. Noshad A. Shaikh, met with the Minister for Health Sindh, Azra Pechuho, who also agreed on the long-awaited exams taking place in mid-November.
So far, the MDCAT has been delayed twice, a decision that has been met with a mixed reaction from med-students, with some being relieved and others dismayed.
According to the Pakistan Medical Commission, the exam will be taking place provincially on one day throughout Pakistan. However, the date is still a question mark, it will be held either on the 13th of November or 20th of November later this year.
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