No plan to close schools, Murad Raas

No plan to close schools, Murad Raas

No plan to close schools, Murad Raas

Education Minister Punjab Murad Raas announced on Sunday that the government has no plan to close schools as the recent spike in the COVID-19 cases is not alarming.

The education minister announced on his social media Twitter account. In his tweet, the minister assured that the government is keeping a close watch on COVID-19 cases in Punjab schools.

“Random testing being done continuously,” he said.

Read here: Covid 19: Uncertainty around schools closure

The minister further said that there is only a slight increase in the number of cases of COVID-19 in Punjab, but there is “nothing alarming.”

Minister said that the situation is analyzed daily, and there is “No plan to close schools as of right now.” The minister also directed the schools to follow standard operating procedures and guidelines provided by the government.

Read here: Punjab government to permanent all contractual teachers

It is pertinent to note that since July, the daily cases for COVID-19 crossed the mark of 1000, and the number is rapidly increasing. The federal minister for planning, Asad Umar, had announced earlier that the country is moving toward an alarming situation. Lockdown has also been imposed in many cities due to an upsurge in Coronavirus cases.

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