IUCPSS initiates lecture series on “Sharing best academic practices”

IUCPSS initiates lecture series on “Sharing best academic practices”

IUCPSS initiates lecture series on “Sharing best academic practices”

The Global Academic Leaders Academy and the National Skills University Islamabad and the University of Lahore will also be a partner for this initiative. The first lecture for the series was inaugurated renowned international higher education experts, Prof. Dr. Sohail Naqvi, Rector University of Central Asia, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, and former Executive Director Higher Education Commission Pakistan.

In a keynote speech, Professor Naqvi said that there is no doubt the COVID-19 virus's challenges are numerous.

"It has provided an opportunity to the institutes for digitalizing the system while learning from one another's experience and top international and regional practices", he said.

In the speech, he discussed the four essential points of university governance, i.e., autonomy and accountability, the structure of university governance and management, independent and robust quality assurance system, and remote education.  Professor Naqvi characterized these four pillars necessary for making a world-class university. He referred to the Bologna process and said that this process ensured consistency in the qualification framework to the higher education system across Europe and compared it with the North American network. He also stressed that both these systems have many commonalities and are active. He further said that every institution in Europe and North America follow this system and has manageability and flexibility for students who wish to change institution during studies. He also emphasized the value of universities' independence for fostering a culture of creativity, innovation, and research. He also stressed over deterring avoidable delays and NOC culture in the higher education sector.

According to Dr. Naqvi, Pakistan education system can advance provided they have the independence, and given specific aims and objectives. A question-answer session with Dr. Naqvi followed the speech. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Mukhtar, Vice-Chancellor, National Skills University, and Founding Chairperson of the IUCPSS commended the hard work of Prof. Naqvi in supporting the higher education in Pakistan.

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