HEC issues new policy guidelines for varsities

HEC issues new policy guidelines for varsities

HEC issues new policy guidelines for varsities

The Higher Education Commission (HEC) has announced new guidelines for universities closing their campuses from November 26 to January 10 and shifting to online teaching instead.

According to the statement issued by HEC on Thursday, the university vice-chancellors have been allowed to continue small group activities on campus while following and implementing the mechanism and SOPs.

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The statement added that only a specific category of students might be allowed on campus. These students could be from a low-income background who cannot afford the gadgets and have a problem accessing the internet for the classes. The category also includes foreign students, Ph.D. or Mphil, or final year students for whom the use of laboratory is a must to complete their thesis work and the higher medical students. 

According to the statement, only 30 percent of the total enrollment, or a lower number if the campus conditions allow.

The faculty members would also require attending campus to prepare and deliver online lectures.

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All major exams planned for Dec 2020 have been postponed except for evaluation examinations such as MDCAT, other entry exams, employment exams, or pre-scheduled small assessments. The exams may be conducted with the strict following and implementation of health and safety protocols.

These may be conducted if necessary, with strict observance of all health and safety protocols.

Similarly, according to the new policy, a specific number of hostel occupants will be allowed if they follow the health and safety guidelines. The number of students should not exceed 30 percent of the structure and capacity of the hostels.

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