Experts call for promotion of mother languages

Experts call for promotion of mother languages
ISLAMABAD: Experts belonging to the education and development sectors believe that reforms in the education sector should be continued to provide children the optimal learning opportunities in the languages they can best understand.
These views were expressed during a webinar titled, ‘Role of Languages in Learning & Cognitive Development’ organized by the Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI) in commemoration of International Mother Languages Day.
Read more: Efforts by Punjab Government to Include Punjabi Language in Syllabus
SDPI Executive Director Dr Abid Qaiyum Suleri in his opening remarks said that uniformity in education was the need of the hour, and the Single National Curriculum (SNC) is a step towards the right direction.
Allama Iqbal Open University’s Centre for Languages and Translation Studies Director Dr Ghulam Ali said that we should first teach language as a subject and then start teaching them other disciplines in that language. He suggested that knowledge creation in the national language or in the local languages by translating science and mathematics in these languages would ultimately lead the nation to take national stance on education and learning.
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