7 tips for studying productively at home

7 tips for studying productively at home
Sometimes the mere idea of leaving the comfort of your four-walled sanctuary seems the most challenging task to execute- the prospect of stepping out and going out and about, either to your school or university, looks highly impossible. Those may be the few times where we fall victim to ourselves, convincing ourselves we’ll study at home. (yeah, right!)
Unfortunately, we find ourselves motivation-less with high levels of laziness, studying being the last thing we’d see ourselves doing in the comfort of our house. For those situations to take on the impending exams and make sure you stay ahead of your game, we’ve gathered some useful tips which can help you increase your productivity at home.
Create the right environment
Creating a perfect setting for studying is necessary. Make sure your space is quiet and comfortable. Keep trying different study areas; for example, if your house is noisy and there are too many people, it might be a better idea to go to a library. If you can’t commute, you may also find it useful to wake up in the morning and study when the rest of the members at your house are asleep, letting you move around at your quiet pace.
Stay organized
If you think making a schedule manually is burdensome, you can download an app from the Playstore/Appstore, which will help you keep a record of everything. Keeping a record can increase your productivity exponentially because you can review your progress anytime and anywhere.
Manage your time
Managing your time is one of the most crucial things you can do for your future. Allotting time to a particular task as per its difficulty will save you headaches and keep procrastination at bay. Not only will it help you with studying, but it can also be utilized in every aspect of life.
Communicate with your peers and teachers
While studying, whenever you feel like you are stuck, you can always share your confusion with your peers. Be it on a discussion forum, a website, a group chat, or via email with teachers, it’s always good to talk about any questions you have without feeling self-conscious because not only will it clear your queries, it might help others too.
Turn your notes into flashcards
Using flashcards is the secret of top students. It can be useful, especially if you want to memorize lengthy mathematical/geometric formulas. Write the formula on one side and name on the other side and keep going through those flashcards whenever you have time. Flashcards allow you to remember the information at a glance, rather than memorizing long pages of notes.
Take a break
In the last few months, burnout has been declared as an official mental illness. Burnout is when you push your limits with a task, such as studying until your body becomes so exhausted that you crash. Your health is the most important thing, be it physical or mental, so it’s essential to take breaks. Power naps can pose to be highly useful, and you can make a point of taking one to replenish yourself.
Reward yourself
As the title suggests, keep rewarding yourself with whatever brings you joy after you have completed a task. Taking small breaks and paying ourselves can relax the body and further motivate you to keep working until you are done.