Careers to consider in 2020

Careers to consider in 2020
If you are what social media refers to as a ‘90s kid, chances are you’ve grown up knowing engineering, medicine, and law as the only possible career options to exist in the world. Naturally, a government job makes the cut too, but anything else is just not good enough. It is unfortunate that an entire generation of students never had the opportunity to explore learning avenues that went beyond STEM. Still, as globalization continues to bring the world close together, new opportunities open up every day.
In 2020, the array of potential careers to choose from goes as far as the eye can stretch, but more options do not always guarantee the right decisions. If you’re a high school student undergoing the painstaking process of filling out college applications, chances are the list of choices has you completely overwhelmed.
So if you’re looking for advice beyond the traditional fields of study, here are a few options to consider: