Must Read Books for Every Young Adult

Must Read Books for Every Young Adult
- Lord of the Flies: This book has been a classic included in the high school curriculum for decades, mainly because it highlights the need for order in society, the nature of humans, and how having no order can result in the dangers of chaos. Written by William Golding, the book places emphasis on the behavior of a society, somewhat like a manual, as well as the importance of understanding basic human instincts. It is definitely a must-read for young adults all over as it can teach them about the hidden curriculum of society, certain things they wouldn’t understand in their daily setting, and things they would not be able to obtain from the unique nature of this book.
- The Diary of a Young Girl: Written by Anne Frank, who was a Jewish teenager who was in hiding in Amsterdam during the German occupation at the time of the Nazi regime of Adolf Hitler. The book revolves around Frank's family hiding in a Secret Annex at Otto’s business in Amsterdam, the entrance to which was soon hidden behind a moveable bookcase. This was a diary in which Anne would confide with insight, humor, and intelligence. This book became a classic in war literature as it offered a coming-of-age story while personalizing the Holocaust. It offered hope and inspiration, making it a must-read for all young adults.
- To Kill a Mockingbird: Written by Harper Lee, this book's title has a direct link to its plot, as in this story innocence is destroyed by evil, and the "mockingbird" represents innocence. Thus, To Kill a Mockingbird is to destroy innocence. This book highlights the chronicles of the childhood of Jem and Scout Finch as their father, Atticus, defends a black man accused of rape in 1960s racist Alabama. This book is very significant due to the lessons learned. Including how protecting the innocent is very important as "it is a sin To Kill a Mockingbird". These vital lessons are imperative for any young adult to understand, and that’s why this is a must-read for any young adult.
- Jane Eyre: Written by Charlotte Brontë, follows Jane’s quest for home and belonging. This book is a literary symbol of its time, representing feminism because she is a character willing to be independent, showing love when she wants it, allowing herself to be loved, and refusing to compromise on her principles. She represents working-class women and rejects the stereotypical gender roles of women as wives and mothers. This book is a must-read for any young adult as it breaks the barriers to gender and identity as a novel written in the late 1800s.