Punjab Book's Chief denies allegation after a Twitter user pointed out the inappropriate activity

Punjab Book's Chief denies allegation after a Twitter user pointed out the inappropriate activity
The Chief of Punjab's Books and Curriculum Regulatory Authority nullified charges on him. He called it "clear attempt at character assassination" on Sunday when a Twitter user pointed out an inappropriate activity on his Twitter account a few days after he banned 100 books from the curriculum for being "anti-Islam" and "anti-Pakistan".
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In his tweet, Punjab Curriculum and Textbook Board (PCTB) Managing Director Rai Manzoor Hussain Nasir stated that he had dismissed at least ten employees, who he alleged were engaged in "corruption" and "security breaches on my personal Twitter account".
Nasir further stated that he was "accused of liking an immoral picture on Twitter and making inappropriate comments on photographs" after the organization banned at least 100 books containing immoral and anti-Pakistan content on July 23.
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"I deny these allegations emphatically and maintain that I have been the victim of a social media hack. I am making every effort to secure my social media accounts going forward," he added.
Rai added that the PCTB's 30 committees would continue to interrogate the content of a wide range of books over six months.
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