Learn Remotely

Learn Remotely
Do you know that to reduce the number of interactions on campus, Harvard University has decided to conduct all the classes online from March onwards? For some of us, the idea of online education isn’t new but for the most of us, it is a huge challenge as shifting from campus to online learning will not be as swift as it is in other developed countries of the world.
So, for starters, we want to assure you that it is not something unmanageable or unachievable. What you may require is more attention than you were expecting at first. However, there are few basic things to keep in mind while you make your way through this journey.
Learn about technology
Most institutes are using zoom or canvas to conduct their online classes. But how to use zoom?
Few steps and you are good to go!
- Do whatever you can to get a fast running internet, look for a place where there are less or no distractions. In case your bandwidth is low, you can switch your video off and it will work!
- The next step is downloading the Zoom software from the link: https://zoom.us/download.
- Now go to https://zoom.us/test and make sure your internet connection, audio and video is working. your computer volume is turned up and your microphone is on.
- Zoom has many other features which you should be familiar with such as raising hand, chat and breakout rooms.
- If the meeting stops then exit and reconnect.
Stick to your schedule
You might be attending live-streamed classes or listening to recorded lectures, scheduling your time of study is extremely important. This will allow you to achieve your daily and weekly goals and will also enable you to separate your study time with your routine work. While we insist that you should schedule your study time, we also recommend the exercise breaks, socializing and meal breaks which is only possible if you stick to your schedule.
Be open and reach out
There are many students who hesitate to ask questions in the class. You can use this opportunity while you are learning remotely to cut that gap you and your instructor had for so many years. Try reaching out to your instructor and don’t hold back. This is a completely different learning platform where most of the times, teachers don’t have an idea if the student has understood the lecture or not. Be open and reach out.
What isn’t new
Make sure that you are still doing certain things that you did in the classrooms. It’s the mode that has changed, not the learning. So,
- Wear appropriate clothing while attending lectures.
- Take notes.
- Disable or silent your phone or other applications if you are using your phone for the lectures.
- Don’t forget to ask questions.
- Keep track of assignments and deadlines.
- Form study groups with your class-fellows.
- We hope that these tips will help you get ready for online learning. Best of luck!