Survival tips for morning class apocalypse

Survival tips for morning class apocalypse
It’s a familiar scene for all of us: hitting that snooze button over and over again till you’re rushing out haphazardly for an 8 am class. Like the best of us, you might find yourself having to give yourself a pep talk to leave that warm, cozy bed. In that moment, skipping class may seem like a good idea as you’re tired and sleepy. However, it won’t do you any good if you get dropped out of the course for having too many absences.
To help you out, here are some tricks to help make that difficult transition from bed to class more manageable, and to get you through those morning classes.
1. Sleeping Early = Getting Up Early
It’s essential to get at least 8 hours of sleep at night for your body to be fully rested. If you find yourself staying up till 3 or 4 in the morning with an early morning class, chances are you’re either going to end up skipping your class, being late, or going to class but being too tired to retain any information.
Manage your time: set the alarm or a sleep app around 10 or 11 pm every night. When it rings, force yourself to shut off all distractions, try to get anything that is due the next day finished as soon as possible, and let that head hit the pillow. Your body naturally wakes up early if you sleep early. (Although you may want to set the alarm just in case.)
3. Exercise in the Morning
If you want to start your day off well, practicing some form of exercise early in the morning might just be the perfect starter you need. Consider going for a jog or maybe a run, or do some guided meditation or yoga (you can find countless guides on YouTube). Even sitting on your bed and doing some pull-ups or stretches might be the little muscle pulling you'd need for the day, so make sure that both your mind and body get a good stretch before your day fully begins, and you have to start performing.
7. Stay Hydrated
We've all heard it before. From every possible auntie, you may have come across. But believe us! Drinking plenty of water every day is the kindest thing you can do to your body. From helping with clearing up your skin to even helping you stay awake, water truly is a blessing.
Dehydration causes various big and small health issues, many of which we are barely aware of. Headaches are often the cause of dehydration, and hunger pangs are regularly disguised dehydrated moments, your body asking for a drink of water.