How to find a career

How to find a career
While many college and university going students find the idea of a career after their education very exciting and fun to think about, some dread the thought of having to find, build, and maintain a job.
In this day and age, it has become fashionable to find a career path that you love and enjoy, rather than following in the footsteps of the previous generation and working in a monotonous and dull environment their whole lives. But how can you find this career path, one that is at once fulfilling and sustainable? Here are some ideas you can try out and see what you find!
1. Make three lists: what excites you, what you enjoy doing, and what you’re good at. See if any of them overlap with each other. For example: investigating things excites you, you enjoy doing research, and you are good at writing. Careers in journalism might be perfect for you!
2. Make a list of occupations to explore which are related to these positions: journalism might be one, but you could also be good at working for NGO’s or corporate companies which need research done on their products:
3. Ask people who are already in the field to tell you about what the jobs you are interested in are like: you always look at reviews of food or electronics or universities, so why not posts? Ask around in your friends and family, and find people who have been working in the positions you are interested in whether they still enjoy it if they feel you would be a good fit and anything else you can think of
4. Write a career action plan: jot down every single step you will need to take to reach the position you are aiming for. If you want to become a baker and own your bakery, what are the things you need to know and the knowledge you need to have?
It’s also a good idea to do things like assessment tests online and see what your strengths and weaknesses are, and which qualities of yours might suit specific fields of work. Once you have decided on what kind of path you would like to take, start lining up job interviews and internship opportunities.
It’s essential to make sure that you go to every single interview, even if the job itself does not interest you. Getting experience in these interviews teaches you how to become a good interviewee: you learn that many positions will ask the same questions, but expect different attitudes, as well as what mistakes to avoid, and what experiences of your own to highlight.
We hope this helps!