Survivor of the Titanic, "The Unsinkable Molly Brown"

Survivor of the Titanic, "The Unsinkable Molly Brown"
Margaret "Molly" Brown, the child of Irish immigrants, ascended from humble beginnings to become a well-known socialite, philanthropist, and hero after the Titanic's sinking.
Margaret "Molly" Brown laughed off her good fortune after surviving the Titanic tragedy in 1912. "Typical Brown luck," she is said to have said. "We're unsinkable" She'd earned the nickname "Unsinkable Molly Brown" by the time she died in 1932, and with good reason.
Brown, who was made popular by the sinking and immortalized in the 1997 film Titanic, led an extraordinary life both before and after the accident. She was a socialite, philanthropist, and potential Senate candidate who regularly defied convention in order to accomplish what she believed was right.
Brown went to school until he was thirteen years old, worked in a factory, and dreamed of heading west. Brown, 18, was ecstatic when two of her siblings decided to relocate to Colorado to work in the mining business.
It was a critical decision. Brown met James Joseph ("J.J.") Brown, a miner 12 years her senior, in Leadville. Brown fell in love with J.J. despite the fact that he had little to give her. She married J.J. in 1886, abandoning her ambitions of marrying a wealthy man.
She subsequently explained, "I concluded that I'd be better off with a poor man who I loved than with a wealthy man whose money had lured me."
Brown's hopes of fortune, however, were merely postponed, not shattered. J.J. Brown's mining business struck gold in 1893. He became a millionaire in a short amount of time. J.J., Margaret, and their two children quickly relocated to Denver, where they purchased a home for $30,000 (about $900,000 today).
Brown launched herself into activism, supporting women's rights, miners' rights, children's rights, and animal rights, her grandson had become sick. so, she boarded the RMS Titanic as soon as she could.
The Titanic, however, collided with an iceberg just four days after she boarded the ship in Cherbourg, France. The ship began to sink into the chilly waters of the North Atlantic Ocean late on the night of April 14, 1912.
Brown stayed on the ship despite the ship's request that women and children join the lifeboats. She assisted others with escaping until she was swept off her feet and thrown in Lifeboat #6 by a crewmember.
she clashed with the Quartermaster Robert Hichens. Hichens refused to turn around and assist any people in the water, even though the lifeboat had plenty of room. He reportedly snapped, "There's no point going back because there's only a bunch of stiffs there." "It's now our life, not theirs,"
He was also worried about their boat being sucked into the water.
Brown threatened to toss him overboard if he didn't listen to her about his refusal to row back, especially since the cries of the unfortunate passengers could still be heard in the distance.
Brown and her fellow Titanic survivors were rescued by the RMS Carpathia after a few stressful, frigid hours. But her bravery didn't end there. Brown assisted in the distribution of blankets and supplies, and she used her linguistic skills to interact with survivors who didn't speak much English.
Brown encouraged the first-class survivors to donate whatever they could, knowing that many of the poorer passengers had lost everything in the sinking, from fathers and spouses to jewels and family heirlooms.