10 courses you didn’t know about

10 courses you didn’t know about
There is a range of subjects and courses available in universities which can help you to reach new careers, so it’s important to research what’s right for you. Many courses are vocational which leads directly into the career but some are academic which you may have studied before in school.
Students from all over the world are getting ready to start their new journey of universities. So, if you need a little last-minute inspiration or even want to start planning ahead for next year – here are some of the more obscure degree courses on offer out there that you probably never knew even existed.
Do you want to be the person who discovers life on another planet? Then head to Florida Tech, where you will study planetary science, extra solar planets and the origin of life, as well as Maths, Physics and Biology.
The University of Connecticut offers undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in puppetry. Graduates have gone on to international careers – designing and performing for theatres, television and films. As well as learning about theatre production and puppet creation, you can choose subjects like computer rendering for theatre, or theatre and human rights.
You actually can get a degree in computer games. Admittedly, you probably won’t pass if you simply plan to stay up all night playing computer games. If, however, you like the idea of a computer science degree from a respected university that includes 2D and 3D computer graphics, image processing, perception, computational aesthetics, modeling and animation, then you might want to look at this course at the University of Victoria in Canada.
The University of East London (UEL) has a degree called Dance: Urban Practices for those aspiring choreographers and teachers. You can study styles of dancing from all over the world, including hip-hop, street, capoeira, and Bollywood.
Turning creative ideas into a practical form is the lifeblood of some of the world’s most successful companies. This MBA is a serious business course, taught in English at Breda University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands. You’ll learn up-to-the minute skills around understanding customers, innovation and technology.
There’s a whole industry based around looking after grass – whether for golf courses, athletics fields, or grounds maintenance. This degree, at Penn State University, includes both science and business. You’ll learn how to create and maintain the perfect turf, as well as understanding sales, service and research.
Hacking has become big business and the trend seems to be continuing. By studying on the Ethical Hacking & Network Security course, you’ll learn how to fight against cyber criminals direct from your computer.
If you want to manage race track or interested in racing, the University of Arizona has it covered with its Bachelors and Masters degrees in the Race Track Industry.
Students who chose Architectural Technology will learn about the design and technical performance of infrastructures as well as developing an in depth understanding of the architectural design process.
We all know that the bowling industry is massive in a number of countries, but we bet that you had no idea that you could actually go and get a degree on it. This particular course is being offered by Vincennes University and it teaches you everything you need to know from the maintenance of the lanes and pins to how to run the entire business, so you end up a jack of all trades by the time you have graduated.