Counselling techniques for counsellors
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Counselling techniques for counsellors
The following are the counselling techniques that a counsellor must be trained to use:
Spheres of Influence:
This is an evaluation tool that allows a person to evaluate the areas of his life that have an impact on him. The counsellor's primary role is to aid the counselee in comprehending and assessing the counselee's strong and weak areas. A counselee's spheres of influence may include oneself, his immediate family, friends, extended family, job or school, community, culture, or religion, as well as external factors.
The counsellor must be taught to ask the counselee for clarification on everything he or she has said. This allows the counsellor to avoid common misunderstandings as well as make assumptions and deliver accurate criticism.
Client expectations:
The counsellor must be sufficiently trained to comprehend the counselee's expectations. The counsellor must reassure the counselee that he may freely talk with him. Both the counsellor and the counselee will profit from this, as they will be able to come up with a more realistic solution to the situation. When the counselee's expectations are clearly articulated, the counsellor may better lead and steer the counselee.
During counselling, the counsellor must be able to compel the client to confront himself. During the counselling session, the counselee must do a self-examination, and the counsellor must be qualified to guide the counselee through this process.
The counsellor's input to the counselee must be honest. To effectively work together to solve the situation at hand, the counsellor must be taught to look sincere and truly concerned about the feelings of the counselee.
Core characteristics:
The counsellor must be taught in a few basic characteristics that are necessary for efficient counselling. Respect, empathy, congruence, authenticity, and warmth are among them.
This is a fundamental strategy in which a counsellor must be taught in order to urge the counselee to freely disclose his or her concerns with the counsellor. This also aids in the development of a mutually respectful connection between the counsellor and the counselee. Encouragement entails the counselee focusing on his good characteristics and strengths.
The counsellor must be taught how to keep a positive relationship with the counselee. The counsellor must be sufficiently skilled to be influentially involved with the counselee in order to maintain control over the counselee throughout challenging counselling sessions.
This method allows a counsellor to concentrate on the counselee's requirements. When settling the counselee's difficulties, the counsellor must be nonjudgmental.
The counsellor must be taught how to employ the immediacy approach. The counsellor uses this strategy to talk about what's going on in the world so that the counselee may learn from real-life experiences and apply what he's learned to the difficulty he's facing.
Listening skills:
The counsellor must be taught how to listen well so that he can listen to and comprehend the counselee's difficulties. When listening to the counselee, the counsellor must be attentive.
Open-ended questions:
The counsellor must be taught how to ask open-ended questions in order to get the most information out of the client. These questions aid the counsellor in learning how, why, and what the client's issues are.
The counsellor must be educated to utilise paraphrasing so that the counselee is certain that the counsellor has heard and understood the material correctly.
Positive asset search:
The counsellor must be trained in this method in order to help the client focus on his strengths and abilities.
Reflection of feelings:
The counsellor must be taught how to apply the method of reflection of feelings so that he may demonstrate to the counselee that his or her feelings have been properly comprehended.
The therapist must be taught to employ the capping approach in the therapy session, which typically entails shifting the discourse from emotional to cognitive. When the client's emotions need to be managed or regulated, this is critical.
Working alliance:
The counsellor must work to successfully collaborate with the counselee in order to discover a solution to the counselee's problem. The counsellor must be clear about his job in the counselling session and not try to dominate the counselee or his points of view.
The counsellor must be trained in proxemics, which entails observing the counselee's spatial movements and bodily coordination while he communicates his emotions. This allows the therapist to assess the client's mood, sentiments, and emotions.
Needs hierarchy:
The counsellor must be able to recognize the counselee's needs, which include physiological, safety, and love and belonging needs, as well as self-esteem and self-actualization. This allows the counsellor to anticipate when adjustments in the counselling session are required.