Both are able to provide the tools to solve these problems. This helps push students towards a philosophy of self-realization and self-empowerment. Its important to note that despite the focus on the individual, both guidance and counselling are different, particularly when it comes to how they operate.
The process of counselling includes a lot of sessions that involve the counselee and the counselor discussing problems and finding solutions by dispensing the proper information. Through counselling, individuals are able to understand problems and find a solution by making critical decisions. At the end of the counselling process, the counselee is usually able to gain a greater understanding of the nature of their problems. This provides the counselee with the strength to influence future problems. The role of the counsellor is limited to providing assistance.
Moving on, Guidance is a method that involves listening to the problems that an individual faces. Usually during this process, ready-made solutions are brought to the forefront. It is often up to the individual whether they choose to employ the suggested solution. The guidance process can sometimes require repetition, to really understand the problem. Guidance is viewed by many as an essential section of counselling and the same is thought of the guidance process, it requires some level of counselling. It is argued that both usually go hand in hand.
Let’s discuss the differences between guidance and counselling:
• Counselling requires an internal study of the individual. Guidance, however, involves an external assessment of the individual and their problems.
• Counselling in an in-depth evaluation and has a narrower point of view. In these causes, the individual breaks down his problems in depth. Guidance, on the other hand, is a broader and a more comprehensive approach.
• Counselling is usually provided for personal and social issues. Guidance, however, is often provided for education and career related problems.
• Counselling primarily focuses on helping the individual understand the problem. Through this, we bring about behavioral changes in the individual so that they can adjust to the problem. Guidance, however, focuses on providing a solution to the problem. The solution, in this case, may bring about a change in the attitude of the individual.
• In counselling, the counsellor does not make decisions for the individual, but during guidance, the professional who offers guidance services is the decision-maker.
• Counselling, however, chooses to value both learning as well as feelings. During guidance, however, does not allow for feelings and is more of an intellectual process.
• Counselling often leads to self-discovery of the individual whereas guidance does not lead to self-discovery of an individual.
Common misconceptions about guidance and counselling:
It is believed that Student Teachers studying the Guidance and Counselling course will develop a few misconceptions about guidance and counselling. Course Instructors need to be wary of such misconceptions, that are commonly propagated by the public. This way Student Teachers can challenge and critique these misconceptions. Here are some of the important misconceptions:
• Guidance and counselling are processes limited to students with severe psychological problems and, therefore, are not required for schoolchildren.
• When taking care of schoolchildren, there is hardly a relationship between the theory and practical aspects of guidance and counselling.
• Guidance is exclusively provided in group form because many students have more or less similar issues.
• Counselling is always centered around the counselor, and the counselee plays a proactive role.
• There is a singular theory of guidance and counselling that can be used for all scenarios.
• Counselling is a complicated process that can only be facilitated by professional experts. A teacher cannot be a counsellor.
• Any teacher can be a counsellor without going through any counselling training.
• Counselling cannot be given in a classroom situation because it requires various resources.
• Counselling for personal, emotional, and social problems is the obligation of the parents, and teachers do not have any responsibility in the matter.
• Counselling is limited to children who are experiencing problems, and not for children who are bright and happy at school.
• A counsellor can provide a readymade solution to all problems.
• Guidance is a service or process that should be employed to address an emergency situation.
• Counselling is for developed countries.
• Guidance setups do not work in Pakistani society and schools.
• Counselling is concerned only with educational issues.
• No ethical issues are involved in counselling.
• Counselling is a one-meeting problem-solving strategy.