HEC calls for proposals for CPEC Collaborative Research Grant

HEC calls for proposals for CPEC Collaborative Research Grant

HEC calls for proposals for CPEC Collaborative Research Grant

The Higher Education Commission has announced the opening of the grant proposals for CPEC- Collaborative Research Grant (CPEC-CRG). Applications can be submitted through online portal research.hec.gov.pk

The CPEC- Collaborative Research Grant (CPEC-CRG) is one of the key components of recently launched HEC initiative namely "Academic Collaboration under CPEC Consortium of Universities". He commission website states that the overall objective of the said project is to understand and respond to the historic global geo-strategic and geo-economic transition and its impact on the region in general and Pakistan in particular, keeping in the view the broad Chinese Belt and Road Initiative and its Pakistan-specific component – CPEC. The national response to the strategic opportunity arising out of the emerging global dynamics is the CPEC Long Term Plan (LTP).

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Proposals should be made in accordance with the guidelines provided in Call for Proposals document.

Candidates can submit the full project Proposal (FPP) by March 31, 2021 (11.59 PM Pakistan Standard Time).

Eligibility criteria:

  • Must include at least one academic partner as Co-PI from Chinese HEIs  that are listed  as Members of CPEC Consortium of Universities
  • May include at least one academic partner as Co-PI from Pakistani HEIs that are not included in the list of Members of CPEC Consortium of Universities
  • May include consortia of faculty members from multiple university departments and/or multiple universities
  • May include:  private sector participants, particularly when they bring prior IP or capability to the consortium and/or significant deployment, implementation, or scale up capability
  • International collaborators from countries other than China are also encouraged particularly when they bring a unique added value to the project team

The detailed eligibility criteria of Institutions are available in the link (Eligibility Criteria for HEC Competitive Research Grants

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