FAPUASA terms HEC’s new policy on research ‘anti-education’

FAPUASA terms HEC’s new policy on research ‘anti-education’

FAPUASA terms HEC’s new policy on research ‘anti-education’

The Federation of All Pakistan Universities Academic Staff Association (FAPUASA) terms the Higher Education Commission’s (HEC) new policy on research publications as anti-education and threatening for the research students and teachers in the country.

Dr Kaleemullah Barech, FAPUASA secretary general in a press release stated that the new policy, which is to be implemented from June 2020, Pakistani teachers and researchers would be forced to get their research papers published in international research journals instead of Pakistan research journals.

He said this would not only disrupt the publication process but would also add a financial burden on researchers.

He demanded the abolishing of w, x, y and z categories of research journals.

In other press release, FAPUASA Punjab chapter demanded instant removal of the same. It also showed concerns over the research policy and called it to be “needless” for scholars and researchers. It also stated that the new policy will badly destabilizes the education and research activities in the country.

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