An Official Teacher Licensing System is in Demand
An Official Teacher Licensing System is in Demand
Academics from various disciplines have highlighted the importance of introducing a teacher licensing system to improve the country's educational quality.
A seminar hosted by the Aga Khan University (AKU) Institute for Education Development (IED) in partnership with the Sindh Teachers Education Development Authority contributed to the development (STEDA).
The presenters revealed a whitepaper for the introduction of teaching licenses in the country during the event. Dr. Amir Sultan Chinoy, Associate Professor at AKU's IED, presented the whitepaper.
In response to the event, the licensing system will aid in the professionalization of teachers around the country. Licensed teachers will also contribute in the improvement of students' academic outcomes.
Academics also advocated for a monthly fuel subsidy for students at higher education institutions earlier this week, after petroleum prices hit a new national high.
According to Ibrahim Hasan Murad, president of the University of Management and Technology (UMT), more than 2 million university students in the country are finding it difficult to cope with rising fuel prices.