University Of Waterloo - Suncor Emerging Leaders Awards In Engineering In Canada, 2020

Degree LevelUnder Graduate
Type Academic Scholarships
Final Deadline 20 May, 2021
Intake Year2020


Four or more scholarships, valued at up to $10,000 each, are awarded annually to outstanding undergraduate students in Engineering and Science programs: three to students entering first year in Chemical, Civil, Environmental, or Mechanical Engineering and one to a student entering first year of the Science and Business program or second year of an Earth Sciences program. The scholarships are payable over four years for all programs, except Earth Sciences, where they are payable over the last three years of the program. These scholarships are funded by a generous donation from Suncor in recognition of the outstanding programs at the University of Waterloo and to meet the needs of the Canadian oil and gas industry through trained human resources capable of playing a leadership role in the sector.

Value description: 

up to $10,000 each

Eligibility & selection criteria: 

  • academic performance
  • Admission Information Form (AIF)
  • online interview


Engineering→Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Mechanical Engineering


Canadian/Permanent resident, International/study permit student

Application required?: 


Additional instructions: 

Please visit Suncor Emerging Leaders Award for more information on how to apply.

Visit Scholarship Website

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