Focusing on student Well-being in Difficult times

Focusing on student Well-being in Difficult times
After an extended, uncertain closure of educational institutes worldwide, the schools are reopening across the country. For some, this reopening would be continued virtual learning, and for some, it would be a blended approach. But one thing is for sure that it won't be a usual business.
And the researchers say that "It shouldn't be."
Researchers say that adverse childhood experiences have become much more common in students than previously recognized. If we add the combined distress of COVID-19 and its traumatic impact on students, It's vital that due attention and psychological healing be provided to students as they welcome them back this month.
Focus on the connection:
The researchers suggest that when the connection is absent, it often results in distress and disease.
Social connection is the solution and is considered to be the essential human need. At this time, teachers can increase their students'students' social connectivity in a meaningful way, which is the key, especially now.
Put students at the center of mindfulness and social and psychological learning.
Instead of telling students what to do and how to do it, the teachers should give students a space to cultivate ideas, work on their natural skills and experiences they find beneficial for them. This practical approach would enable them to do their best and allow them to become the best of themselves.
At this time, teachers might like to brainstorm with their students about how they find support in challenging times. Initiate discussions about how they discuss what keeps them going and what hinders their growth. Invite students to share their ideas and experiences and start practices that have worked for them.
To integrate exciting content in the classroom, teachers can ask students about music that helped them quarantine. Inviting students to share music or exciting movies and series that helped them stay sane during lockdown will be a great way to begin the new session.
A daily breathing practice for younger students will help them calm down, self-regulate, and manage stress and anxiety. It will also help them unburden the baggage of anxiety caused by the COVID-19 closure of schools.
Positive self-talk:
Let students talk about how they feel and their positive insight, which will help them counter the strong negative messages that students might perceive. The negative emotions and absorption could be about their lack of motivation, lack of confidence, and self-pity.
Encourage Activism:
Due to the pandemic, many social, health, and environmental problems have been exposed. This is the right time to engage your students in raising voice or writing about these problems. It is essential to make the student realize their responsibility towards society. Telling your students stories about those who made a difference and the stories of resistance would enable and give them the confidence to work on their role as a part of the global community. It is always liberating for students to talk about the injustices they notice around them, and teachers should give them the platform and liberty to speak about them.
Best of luck with your new session!