20 questions every teacher should ask themselves during pandemic

20 questions every teacher should ask themselves during pandemic
Just like a healthy mind is always questioning and learning, a good educator is the one who reflects often and focus on the quality of their teaching and work hard to improve it. Reflecting on the events around is good for everyone but during the prevailing pandemic crises, it is essential for the teachers as the future of the world is in their hands.
With the COVID-19 outbreak, the teachers are forced to teach remotely and their dependence on technology has increased. However, the answers to these questions can help them define the path for the prevailing and the upcoming challenges post Covid-19.
- What new things did you learn during the pandemic crises?
- What you found most difficult?
- What worked for you?
- What didn’t work for you?
- What your students found most difficult?
- What new tools and techniques you learned?
- What were the failures for your students?
- What new things do you want to learn about technology?
- What new teaching methods you learned?
- How do your students feel about the crises?
- What is the most important thing you learned during the pandemic?
- What do you aim for next year?
- What will you do to achieve them?
- How do you want your lectures to be?
- How has your relationship with your students changed?
- What do you wish you knew before the pandemic?
- What do you want to fix in your teaching style?
- What will be your strategy for the next academic session?
- What are you confident about?
- Where will you go for help if you need it?
Now, as a teacher, ponder on the answers honestly and analyze if you can achieve the set goals and look forward to a meaningful, professional change.
Finally, sharing your experience will not only help you but also the fellow teachers who are struggling with the newly enforced teaching style. By reflecting on these questions, you will be able to help define your future path and will not repeat the mistakes again.
If you are a teacher and can answer these 20 questions with honesty, we would love to share your experience with others so together we can fight this pandemic and fill the academic gap caused by coronavirus outbreak.