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Center of Excellence in Marine Biology

The Centre is housed in its own building at the Campus of the University of Karachi.  It has a fish aquarium annexed to it and a research library of centre has good collection of 5210 books and 1670 research journals of which 400 are local journals and 1270 are foreign.  This museum is mainly used for teaching purposes. The centre has a shore laboratory on Sandspit beach, about 35 Km away from the main campus. The laboratory is mainly used by researchers who visit sea-side for collection of marine animals.
Centre of Excellence in Marine Biology is the only institution in Pakistan, which offers degrees in Marine Biology at M.Phil. and Ph.D. level. This Centre has produced 81 M.Phils. and 18 Ph.Ds. At present 76 students are enrolled in M.Phil./MS and 25 students are enrolled in Ph.D. programme. The Centre is staffed with highly qualified scientists who have experience of working in world renowned institutions of marine biology and fisheries. The academic staff consists of 8 Ph.Ds. and 5 M.Phils. CEMB undertakes research in the field of marine science including biological, environmental, ecological, biochemical, chemical, geological studies on marine life of coastal waters and Northern Arabian Sea.

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