Yet another episode of leaked exam papers

Yet another episode of leaked exam papers
The Karachi Board of Secondary Education (BSEK) has entirely failed to ensure the safe distribution of matriculation exam question papers.
The final papers for Sindhi language, Urdu and Computer Science for class 10th were set to be held in Karachi earlier on 18th May 2022, according to details.
However, question papers for several subjects began circulating even before the exams began, creating severe doubts about BSEK's ability to conduct yearly exams.
Furthermore, BSEK invigilators stationed throughout the provincial capital failed to prevent pupils from cheating on the tests. Instead, they chose to ignore the problem, allowing pupils to use answer books and other materials.
BSEK matriculation exams began yesterday. Three papers from class 9th were leaked 15 minutes before the exam on the first day of the exams.
Class 9th final exams for Sindhi language, Urdu, and Computer Science were held day before yesterday. These materials, however, were leaked and rapidly disseminated on social media channels, particularly WhatsApp.
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