HEC releases an updated educational guide for teachers

HEC releases an updated educational guide for teachers

HEC releases an updated educational guide for teachers

Pakistan's Higher Education Commission (HEC) has announced a revised roadmap for teacher education. Newly updated guidelines award MA Education, M.Ed, and BS Education degrees the same status as B.Ed and B.Ed Honours degrees after four years of education, four years of B.Ed following 14 years of education, and four years of B.Ed following 16 years of education.

In accordance with the revised roadmap, the National Curriculum Review Committee made the subsequent recommendations in the discipline of Education:

A candidate with an Associate Degree in Education (ADE) will be eligible to enroll in the third year or fifth semester of a four-year Bachelor of Education degree course.

  • Students with an Associate's degree in a field other than education or two-year erstwhile BA/BSc degrees (now defunct) may enter a four-year B.Ed. degree program by taking prerequisite courses (15-18 credit hours) as determined by the admissions committee.
  • BS Education, MA Education, and M.Ed. are equal to 4 years of undergraduate education.
  • Students with 16 years of academic experience in a discipline other than Education and desirous of pursuing a degree may enroll in B.Ed.1.5 consisting of 45-54 credit hours.
  • In order to be admitted to the MS/MPhil Education program, graduates with 16 years of non-relevant qualifications must complete a minimum of 18 credit hours of deficiencies, which are determined by the university on a case-by-case basis.
  • From fall 2023 onwards, Teacher Education Degrees will only be referred to as a 'Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.).'
  • In an official letter, the statement has been sent to all university presidents, public and private.

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