HEC Chairman Requests Universities to Move towards 'Smart Education'

HEC Chairman Requests Universities to Move towards 'Smart Education'
Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed, Chairman of the Higher Education Commission (HEC), has said that the world is focused on digital transformation, innovation, and technology use in education. Considering contemporary needs, HEC helps universities adopt smart classrooms, blended education, and hybrid systems.
According to HEC chairman, universities should use cloud computing under HEC's guidance. Moreover, he emphasized the importance of utilizing technology while keeping in mind the changes to come in the next decades.
As Dr. Mukhtar pointed out, the work is being done to use a blended learning and hybrid system in order to keep up with the world in the future. IIUI was praised for organizing a conference on such an important and contemporary topic, and he assured them of full cooperation.
Dr. Hathal Homoud Alotaibi, IIUI President, said that technology, including 3D printing, robotics, and artificial intelligence after the internet, is making the world move faster and develop at a faster pace.
Throughout human history, older things were replaced by innovations and technology, and the same world realized the importance of digital transformation.
As the president of IIUI, he informed the conference about the university's initiatives such as the ongoing development of an open and distance learning system, a campus management system, and development of a new strategic plan.
In addition to Dr. Ahmed Shuja Syed, the university's Vice Presidents, Dr. Ayaz Afsar, expressed their opinions at the conference. As part of his presentation, Dr. Ahmed Shuja discussed the advantages of technology and how to take advantage of business opportunities. The conference organizers were appreciated by Dr. Ayaz Afsar, Vice President of Academic Affairs.
The conference brought together 650 policymakers, industry experts, and research scholars from the USA, Malaysia, and Turkey who shared their insights and experiences on finance, technology management, entrepreneurship, management, and marketing in light of technological advancements and other contemporary needs.
Data-driven governance, digital transformation, and increasing exports are the keys to a bright future for the country.
Prior to the conference, Dr. Abdul Rahman, Dean of FMS, presented an overview of the conference's objectives. Among the topics he discussed were digital transformation, resistance to change, and other conference topics. The conference's Academic Chair, Dr. Fozia Syed, presented the conference's report and recommendations.
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