Unveiling The Power Of History: Why Study The Past?

Unveiling The Power Of History: Why Study The Past?
History is the study and knowledge of the past. It is a form of collective memory. History is the story of where we came from and who we are. For many people, history is a collection of events and a set of facts that occurred prior. However, history is much more than that, and it changes the way you view the world. Once Lord Acton stated, “History is not a burden on the memory but an illumination of the soul,” which can pretty much sum up its unique nature. History is vital to the development and critical thinking of a person, and its significance is highlighted further on.
It helps you learn from past mistakes by highlighting the conflict in the past and its rise as to how it increased and resulted in catastrophes. It can be instances of diplomacy and savior from destruction. You learn what dilemmas world leaders face and how they react, and when those decisions lead to better or worse outcomes. The great depression of the the 1930s and the 2007 stock market crash were said to have many similarities as both were preceded by periods of prosperity and came at a time when banks were experimenting with different ways of doing business. Historical studies show the warning signs of many kinds of disasters, from massacres to famine. Understanding these patterns will make a more informed being.
History also helps provide identity, and this is unquestionably one of the reasons all modern nations encourage its teaching in some form. Historical articles and data explain how certain groups and people came to exist and where they are currently. Identities can also belong to countries such as New Zealand was the first nation to allow for a woman to vote in 1893 following their narrative of “can do”. For many people, studying the history of one's own family is the most obvious use of an account, for it provides facts and a basis for understanding how the family has interacted with historical change and evolution. Family identity is established and confirmed. This provides a place for people to feel more grounded in their foundation.
The present-day issues are highlighted throughout history as history often repeats itself, so it is important to read and research it to learn how to avoid repeating mistakes. A recent example can include the Spanish flu of 1918 and Covid 19; these similar pandemics allowed many authorities to look back in time and see how they could better tackle a more intense virus resulting in better decision-making and results. These modern-day issues can link to past historical events, and the similarities can be highlighted by seeing how humans have evolved without thinking. Therefore, it can be said that history indeed should be studied by all.